What is 'Rename to EXIF date'?

Rename to EXIF date is a program which allows us to rename our photographies to the date and hour in which they were taken, using the corresponding EXIF tag.


Rename to EXIF date If you use Windows, just download the installer, unzip it, and double click on the .exe to begin the installation process.

If you use Debian, Ubuntu, or another Linux distro which uses deb packages, you can download the deb (rename-to-exif-date_0.1.0.deb) and simply double-click on it to launch the installer, or you can add my repository to your sources.list file, so that your distro can inform you of new releases.

If you choose the second method, open the file /etc/apt/sources.list with your favorite editor as root and add this line:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/zootropo/ubuntu hardy main
Update the list of packages writing sudo aptitude update on the terminal, and install the application by writing sudo aptitude install rename-to-exif-date.

If you use other Linux distribution, download the tar.gz: rename-to-exif-date_0.1.0.tar.gz, uncompress it, and execute the command make install with root privileges.


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Drag and drop the photos or folders with photos into the application window. The program will rename these files.


v0.1.0 - Jun 24, 2008 (Initial release)


On Windows double click on the uninstaller which you can find at Start -> All the Programs -> Rename to EXIF date.

On Linux just run the command sudo aptitude purge rename-to-exif-date as root if you installed it using the deb package or the repository, or execute the command make uninstall from the tar.gz file if you installed it using this method.